Blogs tagged #event

Google Developer Groups Surabaya: Developer Festival 2023

![GDG Surabaya Devfest 2023]( DevFest Surabaya 2023 at the Yarra Ballroom was off the charts! Hanging out with Kusindra Aji Rabbany, Muhammad Fadhil Kholaf, Arsyad Ali Mahardika, Nico Lee N.H, Sulthan Budiman, and Muhammad Zuhair Zuhdi made the whole thing a blast. And guess what? Got to meet some cool SMK Telkom Malang alumni - Haidar Zamzam, Ronald Dimas Yuwandika, and Irfan Hakim. Small world, eh? The sessions were mind-blowing. We dived into some next-level projects, like Machine Learning and generative AI stuff. Seeing those concepts in action was like watching magics unfold. Prototyping AI in MakerSuit? That's some wild creativity meets tech genius thing right there. And oh, 'KerasNLP models' – I thought I'd get lost, but the speakers made it so damn clear. Natural Language Processing got a whole lot more interesting after that. I'm all hyped to play around with language and tech in my future projects. The session on making apps for different devices and screens with Kotlin and Compose Multiplatform? My mind are officially blown. Kotlin's versatility is no joke. I can't wait to dig deeper and see how I can use it in my own projects. But you know what made it even more awesome? The vibe. The whole place were buzzed with passion and excitement. Everyone was sharing ideas, working together – it was like a tech party, and I just happen to like tech a lot. As the day wrapped up, I felt pumped up and ready to rock. DevFest Surabaya 2023 didn't just level up my tech game; it sparked a fire in me. I'm taking all this cool stuff back to my projects, and I'm stoked to see how these innovations will shape my tech journey. Big shoutout to Google Developer Groups for throwing a fest that's not just about coding but about pushing boundaries and having a blast while doing it!